Cabramatta High School

Excellence | Innovation | Opportunity | Success

Telephone02 9726 2424

Bell times

At Cabramatta High School we use bells to let our students know when it is time to change classes or activities. The bells will ring at different times depending on the day of the week. All students start and finish early on Wednesday. We also use different bell signals for special situations.

Bell times

Activity Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
0 8:25-9:15am* 8:25-9:15am* 8:25-9:15am 8:25-9:15am* 8:25-9:15am*
1 9:15-10:00am 9:15-10:05am 9:15-10:05am 9:15-10:05am 9:15-10:05am
2 10:00-10:45am 10:05-10:55am 10:05-10:55am 10:05-10:55am 10:05-10:55am
Assembly 10:45-11:10am        
Recess 11:10-11:30am 10:55-11:15am 10:55-11:15am 10:55-11:15am 10:55-11:15am
3 11:30am-12:20pm 11:15am-12:05pm 11:15am-12:05pm 11:15am-12:05pm 11:15am-12:05pm
4 12:20-1:05pm 12:05-12:55pm 12:05-12:55pm 12:05-12:55pm 12:05-12:55pm
Lunch 1 1:05-1:25pm 12:55-1:15pm 12:55-1:15pm 12:55-1:15pm 12:55-1:15pm
Lunch 2 1:25-1:45pm 1:15-1:35pm 1:15-1:35pm 1:15-1:35pm 1:15-1:35pm
5 1:45-2:30pm 1:35-2:25pm 1:35-2:25pm 1:35-2:25pm 1:35-2:25pm
6 2:30pm-3:15pm 2:25-3:15pm - 2:25-3:15pm 2:25-3:15pm

*Year 11 and 12 only

Bell signals system

There are various bell signals which tell students and staff what to do.

  • Single ring indicates the start of the day, end of a lesson or break and the end of the day.
  • Long ring of bell indicates that an evacuation is necessary. Students and staff must evacuate the buildings and assemble on the oval.
  • Pulsating bell (2 second intervals up to one minute) indicates a lockdown is required. All students and staff must remain in the buildings, close and lock all doors and wait for the all clear.