Cabramatta High School

Excellence | Innovation | Opportunity | Success

Telephone02 9726 2424

Intensive English Centre

Cabramatta High School Intensive English Centre (IEC) supports high school aged students, newly arrived in Australia whose first language is not English, and their families. These students include migrants, refugees and international students.

The IEC provides intensive English language instruction across a broad range of subjects as well as delivering programs in orientation, welfare, sport and settlement support. This ensures all students experience a smooth transition to mainstream classes and have the skills to access the demands of a high school curriculum.

Students who reach post-compulsory school age at the end of their IEC enrolment are supported in transitioning to TAFE or employment.

Students develop English language skills, numeracy skills, knowledge and subject-specific skills through the study of:

  • English/EAL/D, Mathematics, Science, History, Geography, Art, Commerce, IT, Personal Development and Sport.
  • Term 4 of each year, the IEC offers a Year 11 bridging course to prepare students for their studies in Stage 6.

IEC students and their families receive support from a counsellor skilled in migrant and refugee matters and School Learning Support Officers (SLSOs) - Bilingual, in a variety of languages including:

  • Arabic, Assyrian, Kurdish, Vietnamese, Mandarin, Cantonese, Teochew, Khmer, Serbian, Bosnian, Croatian, Thai, Lao and Samoan.