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Cabramatta High School

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Tell Them From Me Survey for Parents

The Partners in Learning parent survey is part of the Tell Them From Me suite of surveys on student engagement. The parent survey helps to clarify and strengthen the important relationship between parent and school.

How does it work?

The survey is anonymous and can be used either as a one-off survey or over time, with the ability to identify trends within schools and better inform school priorities. The survey is held once a year in Term 3 and is run at the same time as the teacher survey and the second optional student survey. The survey is available in multiple languages and is conducted entirely online on computers, tablets, ipads or smartphones during the specific survey window. Schools may wish to make school computers available for parents to use. The survey takes around 15 minutes to complete. Parents with more than one child at the school may choose to complete the survey more than once, if they feel that their children’s experiences differ. 

What does it ask?

The parent survey asks parents/carers a range of questions related to the following drivers of student outcomes:
Parent measures

How do parents access the survey?

  • Schools will provide parents with a unique URL to log into the survey.
  • Parents will not need usernames or passwords to access the survey. Just follow the unique URL provided by the school.
  • Parents can now easily complete the survey on their mobile device and choose from 22 available community languages.

How will schools receive their data?

School leaders receive their school's data within three business days of closing the survey. School leaders receive two data reports, including: a ‘one click’ PDF summary report of their school’s results including ‘radar’ charts showing their school’s average scores on a ten-point scale for seven measures; and interactive charts which look more closely at their school results for specific groups of parents (e.g. by child’s year group or aspirations for their child). Schools’ results will be compared against state-wide averages.

How can schools use the data?

The survey data can help schools:

  • understand parents’ perspectives on their children’s experience at school, including teaching, communication and the school’s support of learning and behaviour
  • understand parents’ perspectives on activities and practices at home related to their children’s learning
  • provide evidence of areas of strength to support self-assessment and reporting
  • engage the school community in discussions to identify strategic directions for school improvement
  • establish quantitative improvement measures and help schools track achievement against them.

How will the department use the data?

Tell Them From Me data contribute to a state-wide research project. This project is led by the Centre for Education Statistics and Evaluation (CESE). It is hoped that results from CESE's analysis of the TTFM data will help teachers, principals and other education stakeholders discuss what works to improve student outcomes. CESE's analysis supports the department's continuing focus on quality teaching and leadership.​