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Cabramatta High School

Cabramatta High School

Excellence | Innovation | Opportunity | Success

Telephone02 9726 2424

Letter to parents, carers and Year 12 students

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Important updated information - HSC Student Vaccinations and Trial Examinations

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Dear Parents and Carers of Year 12 students,

Firstly, I would sincerely like to thank you for your patience and continued support during this difficult and challenging time. We appreciate your understanding as we have needed to implement some changes as a result of the advice received from the Department of Health. We remain deeply committed to supporting the safety of our students and families as we work to support our HSC students complete their final year of school.

HSC student vaccination latest advice

NSW Health has recently issued the attached letter (see below) on the latest advice about the vaccination plans for eligible students. Please read this advice for important information to support your child in this matter.

Key Information:

  • All students are required to arrange their own transport to the venue. Buses will no longer be provided from the school.
  • To book a vaccination appointment, a link will be sent to your child’s mobile phone number provided by the school. If a student mobile phone number is unavailable the message should be sent to a family mobile.
  • For more information regarding booking the vaccination please call the NSW Health Qudos Bank Arena Vaccination Centre on 1800 922 886.
  • If you are unable to transport your child to the vaccination hub, please contact the school during school hours on 9726 2424.

Trial Examinations and return to school

In line with the Premier’s announcement on 6 August, Year 12 students in Greater Sydney will NOT be returning to school on 16 August and MUST continue with learning from home until advised otherwise.

This year, NSW Education Standard Authority (NESA), who oversee the HSC, has given Principals the flexibility to provide an alternative task to replace the traditional Trial Examinations. 

Key Information:

  • Our school will be providing online alternative tasks to students instead of a Trial Examination.
  •  These online alternative tasks will be timetabled from Week 7  until Week 10.
  • This timetable will be issued to Year 12 students in the coming week.
  • A Year Meeting will be scheduled to support Year 12 students in understanding the alternate task requirements and expectations.

Supporting with Technology/Internet

Students are encouraged to contact the school should they require support with loaning a device or requiring internet support.

Our message to our Year 12 students remains the same; to take comfort in the fact that your school is strongly supporting you, ensure your physical and mental wellbeing remains a priority, and continue studying and focusing on achieving your personal best.

Please contact the school should you require further information regarding these matters, or to let us know how we can further support your child at this challenging time.

Yours sincerely,

Lachlan Erskine
