Stage 4
Technology Mandatory
The aim of the Technology (Mandatory) is to develop students' ability to design, produce and evaluate quality solutions that respond to identified opportunities and needs. It enables students to justify solutions and to responsibly, safely and creatively select and use materials, tools and techniques.
Students will develop:
- knowledge, understanding and appreciation of and skills in design processes, design theory and the work of designers
- knowledge of and skills in researching, experimenting, generating and communicating creative design ideas and solutions
- knowledge and understanding of and skills in the responsible selection and safe use of materials, tools and techniques
- knowledge, understanding and appreciation of the impact of innovation and emerging technologies on the individual, society and the environment
- knowledge of and skills in managing quality solutions to successful completion
- understanding and appreciation of and skills in evaluating and reflecting on the success of their own and others' design activities.
Students develop skills in graphics, woodwork, metalwork, electronics and ICT.
Stage 5
1. Industrial Technology Timber
Provides opportunities for students to develop knowledge, understanding and skills in relation to the timber and associated industries.
Core modules develop knowledge and skills in the use of materials, tools and techniques related to timber which are enhanced and further developed through the study of specialist modules in:
• Cabinetwork
• Wood Machining.
Practical projects undertaken reflect the nature of the Timber focus area and provide opportunities for students to develop specific knowledge, understanding and skills related to timber-related technologies. These may include:
• furniture items
• decorative timber products
• storage and transportation products,
• storage and display units.
Projects promote the sequential development of skills and reflect an increasing degree of student autonomy as they progress through the course.
2. Industrial Technology Multimedia
Multimedia provides opportunities for students to develop knowledge, understanding and skills in relation to multimedia, photographic and associated industries.
Core modules develop knowledge and skills in the use of materials, tools and techniques related to multimedia which are enhanced and further developed through the study of specialist modules in multimedia-based technologies.
Practical projects reflect the nature of the multimedia provide opportunities for students to develop specific knowledge, understanding and skills related to multimedia and/or photography-related technologies. These may include:
• individual photographic images
• photographic presentations (still and moving pictures)
• brochures incorporating photographic images
• photo journals
• computer animations
• webpage design
Projects promote the sequential development of skills and reflect an increasing degree of student autonomy as they progress through the course.
3. Industrial Technology Electronics
Working in electronics provides opportunities for students to develop knowledge, understanding and skills in relation to the electronics and associated industries.
Core modules develop knowledge and skills in the use of materials, tools and techniques related to electronics which are enhanced and further developed through the study of specialist modules in:
• Circuits and Components
• Computer Repair and Construction.
Practical projects reflect the nature of the Electronics focus area and provide opportunities for students to develop specific knowledge, understanding and skills related to electronics-related technologies. These may include:
• electronic circuits and kits
• electronic controlled devices
• robotic projects
• computer systems, and
• work is undertaken on isolated computer components.
Projects promote the sequential development of skills and reflect an increasing degree of student autonomy as they progress through the course.
4. Graphics Technology
The aim of the Graphics Technology Years 7–10 Syllabus is to develop in students the ability to think creatively, devise solutions and communicate information to a range of audiences using a variety of graphical techniques and media.
Students will develop knowledge, understanding and skills to:
- visualize, sketch and accurately draw shapes and objects to communicate information to specific audiences
- interpret, design, produce and evaluate a variety of graphical presentations using a range of manual and computer-based media and techniques
- use graphics conventions, standards and procedures in the design, production and interpretation of a range of manual and computer-based graphical presentations
- select and apply techniques in the design and creation of computer-based presentations and simulations to communicate information
- apply Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) practices and risk management techniques to the work environment, and
- appreciate the nature and scope of graphics in industry and the relationships between graphics technology, the individual, society and the environment.
Students in this course demonstrate the above by designing and presenting:
· Logos
· Geometric drawings
· Architectural drawings
· Engineering drawings
· Product drawings
Stage 6
Industrial Technology
Industrial Technology at Stage 6 is designed to develop in students a knowledge and understanding of the selected industry and its related technologies with an emphasis on design, management and production through practical applications.
Students will develop:
- knowledge and understanding of the focus area industry and of manufacturing processes and techniques used by industry
- knowledge and understanding of safe and cooperative work practices and of the need for a safe and cooperative work environment
- competence in designing, managing and communicating within a relevant industry context
- knowledge and skills in producing quality products

- knowledge and skills in communication and information processing related to the industry focus area
- an appreciation of quality products and the principles of quality control
- an appreciation of the relationships between technology, the individual, society and the environment.
At Cabramatta High School students opt into one of the following focus areas:

Graphics Technologies
Multimedia Technologies
Timber Products and Furniture Technologies.
Engineering Studies
In the 21st century, engineering will continue to be directed towards developing insight and understanding to the provision of infrastructure, goods and services needed for industry and the community.
Students undertaking engineering studies will have the opportunity to follow a number of pathways. These include tertiary study, vocational education and training, and the world of work. For those following a pathway of further study, the insight and experience associated with a study of engineering will be beneficial in their presumed knowledge of the area of study. Students entering into the world of work will benefit from understanding what engineers do, as the work of engineers affects us all.
Construction (VET )
The Construction Curriculum Framework is designed to enable students to acquire a range of technical, practical, personal and organizational skills valued in and beyond the workplace. They will also acquire underpinning knowledge and skills related to work, employment and further training in the construction industry. Through the study of this subject, students will gain experiences that can be applied in a range of contexts, including work, study and leisure and that will assist them to make informed career choices.